Turbo Snails For Freshwater Too?


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Pretty much what the topic stated. I have a lot of turbo snails in my tank, i recently setup a small betta tank with filtration. Wondering if i could pop a turbo snail in there for cleaning? Are snails hypowhatever that let them survive in salt and fresh water?
No, Turbo spp. are not euryhaline. Some of the nerites are, for example Puperita pupa, but even those tend to be happier in brackish or saltwater conditions. Freshwater nerites are widely traded and do an excellent job of eating algae. Since they only eat algae, just like in a reef tank, you have to add the right number or they'll starve. One per 45 litres works well.

Oh, and define "a small betta tank". Without heating and filtration, nerites won't last long (neither will a betta for that matter). In very small tanks there won't be enough algae for a nerite to eat anyway. If the tank is smaller than 45 litres, just remove algae yourself. Much easier on you and your livestock.

Cheers, Neale

Pretty much what the topic stated. I have a lot of turbo snails in my tank, i recently setup a small betta tank with filtration. Wondering if i could pop a turbo snail in there for cleaning? Are snails hypowhatever that let them survive in salt and fresh water?

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