Tunze Nanostreams Or Hydor Koralia?


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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I'm looking to change my Seios to Tunze Nanostreams or Hydor Koralia, I've read good and bad reviews for both and was wondering if anyone who is running either might feedback on their actual experience.

There is very little difference in price on both these units... :good:
wise decision to change from the seio, I have used both the korallia and the tunze and have to say the tunze is an incredible peice of kit, even though the korallia is similar in design the tunze does a far better job, also has a lower power consumption.

I'm sure if you search on here you will see a few posts about the koralia, but personally I have found mine developed a rattle as did someone elses that hs posted on here.

gpo with th tunze :good:
Hehe, all depends on your wallet ;). Tunze are the best, but if you can't afford them, go with they Koralia. FWIW, my Koralia 3's been runnin for 6+ months problem free
Ski, thanks... There is £3 difference between the Tunze and Koralia but I've read loads of bad press on the Tunze mainly around 2 defects, the prop shaft and the mounting breaking, this differs from Tunzes usually excellent reputation?!?
Huh, you'll be the first person whose ever told me anything negative about the reliability/function of a Tunze pump :). Again, that's just my own experience. At that price difference, provided the flowrate is the same, I'd go with the Tunze. Wish they were that cheap over on my side of the pond :(

This may be worth a read. I was totally surprised and I can link to many more like it, strange - bad batch, mass produced, bad design? Who knows, I know the shaft has been resolved now...

£37 GBP delivered!
I love my modded maxijet. Got the mod from triton aquatics, works like a charm, over 2,000 gph!
...and I gotta do something soon, just looked into the tank and the Seio pumps top suction cups had unstuck, pump was blowing full bore on the bubble coral :angry:

This may be worth a read. I was totally surprised and I can link to many more like it, strange - bad batch, mass produced, bad design? Who knows, I know the shaft has been resolved now...

£37 GBP delivered!

There were a number of issues with the first batch that went to America. It seems that Tunze had some issues when converting over to the 110V used in North America. I have not seen similar problems in models produced for the European market. Also, the Nanostreams are the first powerheads that aren't hand made from Tunze, so they will likely suffer a higher fail rate than the full streams, but at a much reduced cost.

I love my modded maxijet. Got the mod from triton aquatics, works like a charm, over 2,000 gph!

Out of interest, how have you measured that flowrate, and what is the wattage of the pump?
There were a number of issues with the first batch that went to America. It seems that Tunze had some issues when converting over to the 110V used in North America. I have not seen similar problems in models produced for the European market.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Thats really good news (unless you were one of those affected). The Tunze apparently have better flow, are slightly smaller and apparently have great customer service.

I'm looking at buying two which will give me 5000lph in a 180ltr tank, they will be positioned aposing each other to create random turbulence. This will give me 27x tank turnover with a mixed sps and lps tank, does this seem OK?

This may be worth a read. I was totally surprised and I can link to many more like it, strange - bad batch, mass produced, bad design? Who knows, I know the shaft has been resolved now...

£37 GBP delivered!

There were a number of issues with the first batch that went to America. It seems that Tunze had some issues when converting over to the 110V used in North America. I have not seen similar problems in models produced for the European market. Also, the Nanostreams are the first powerheads that aren't hand made from Tunze, so they will likely suffer a higher fail rate than the full streams, but at a much reduced cost.

I love my modded maxijet. Got the mod from triton aquatics, works like a charm, over 2,000 gph!

Out of interest, how have you measured that flowrate, and what is the wattage of the pump?

I have not measured the flow rate myself, though triton aquatics claims 2,000gph - 2,500gph and there are people that have tested it on RC. I have mine running on my maxijet 1200, I will check the wattage on my kill a watt when I get home.
Just read about the mod for 6025 that claims to increase the output to that of the 6045

Check it here

PS: Mods, sorry about the link to another forum but it is totally relevant :blush:
tunze did have a problem originally with the braket that the powerhead sits in but by all accounts they have resolved it, the koralia is a good design but size for size the tunze delivers a much better output.

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