Fish Fanatic
Well i was having issues with fungus when I put the egg tumblers inside the tanks. And a lot of the tumblers stuck up too much above the tanks and It didn't work with my tank lids. So I set up all these tumblers for all my species of killifish in this drawer. I've had it running for 6 months1Could you elaborate? I've used egg tumblers a lot, and made a few myself, but I'm not sure what you have there beyond something intriguing.
And the amount of eggs I get from certain species has been super light so I want to save every egg. A. Bivittatum and A. Australe have been giving me only like 1-3 eggs a week, while A. Volcanum have been giving me 5 a day. Fundulopanchax have never been an issue obviously lolI use tumblers with lampeyes, but not with most killies.
Are these tumblers you made, or commercially produced ones?
Part of why I ask is the use of tumblers isn't common outside of the world of Malawi/Mbuna keeping. Part of what we do here is education and exchange, and you have something there that might be useful knowledge for many.
With the amount of different species I am trying it just makes sense. I think it's about 7 gallons. And above it i have another one with 4 breeder boxes and some cycled sponge filters. 11Ah, I see now. I run an airline into all my egg incubation containers. I had stopped doing it for a while with everything but lampeyes, but I built a better set up for incubating eggs and have returned to my old system.
I was thinking Cichlid egg tumblers, where the eggs of mouthbrooders are in constant movement, rolling and tumbling and often not touching the substrate. I've used the 2 mbuna tumblers I have here with good results.
Eggs need oxygen.
I'm going to "borrow" that idea of a using a larger container of water.