Tubastrea aurea

Limping? Let me tell you. These corals are beautiful BUT....I think they are making my nitrates go up. 20 polyps =20 heads to feed=20 mysis shrimp=BIOLOAD. I had to do several water changes this week. I crept from 7ppm to 15ppm. SH
ohhhh i love sun coral, its the brightest thing in my tank! check out the sig :D i've had mine for about 4 weeks now. seems like you guys have some difficulties with feeding your sun corals. when i first got mine all i did was turn off my pumps, took some water from where the mysis was thawing and squirt it on top of the sun coral with a syringe and wait about 30mins, by that time they were all out and ready for feeding. i did this everyday for the 1st week at different hours of the day and now the constantly stay out! after that, the trick is to feed them sometime during the morning because after the eat they'll stay out for quite a bit. By then it'll be night time, and well, you know sun corals, they dont close at night because they love the dark!

sorry for the lengthy post, i just wanted to share my experiences! :p
Thanks Fish Newbie....I may have been overaggressive in that when I first got them, I was feeding them with 'large' pieces of squid, not realizing that corals that need food to eat, digest it like other animals and add to the bioload the same as fish. Hence, I've been battling nitrates since I added them...not super high, but climbed from 5-15ppm. I'm back to increasing the frequency of my water changes. I tried Cyclopeeze on them the other day and they took them....I think this will help..smaller portions. Thanks for the input and I agreee...as soon as 'food juice' enters the aquarium, they pop open now. SH

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