Tt's Axolotl Adventure

Should be 8-10 inches when I get them nade.
The Axolotls still haven't arrived. I have a feeling this is the week for them though.
On a sad note my shrimp tank light bulb has blown so I will have to go to the LFS for a replacement. I'll ask about the axolotls at the same time.
Got my first axolotl! Named him Indiana Jones due to his adventurous nature. He's been sitting in my plants and swimming laps for the past half hour now. :) He's dark olive color and has snapped at the fish but hasn't caught any yet. He tried to eat the fish when he was in the bag and made a big splash. He's bout 5-6 inches and seems very healthy. Will upload pics later on this week. He's on the blue light now so he isn't stressed.
I fed Indiana some earthworms today. He ate them then half an hour later spat them out. Why?
The dudes on said this was normal for Axolotls which recently went through trauma or a food switch. They fed him on mealworms at the fish shop so I assume earthworms freaked him out a little. Anyways I grabbed some pics and some videos. Let's see if they work.

He's snapped at a few of the fish and I think he may of got one last night. His colors vary wildly. He's quite dark above yet in this picture he's much lighter. I think he's smiling at me... :)

The videos will take a while longer to upload. I've got one of him engulfing an earthworm. He's far more active than I could've imagined swims around a fair bit.
Wow. The tank looks pristine. Although that fish would scare me waking up to that on a morning haha
Picked up two more axies today. A leucistic ( white with colored eyes ) and a golden one.
The levels have been stable and I bought some from an LFS. I've cancelled the order of the 2 big ones and the ones I've gotten are the same size as my old one.
My dark one was spooked at first but now they're getting along. Will monitor levels closely of course. Will feed them each one earthworm on Wednesday. They're so cool! :)
Great story so far, TT! Where are the pics of the newbies?
Lights are going on in a few minutes. I have of course well documented everthing. I'lol upload them later today. :)
I've got pics and vids of all three that I'll uploads soon. I have realized that it is better to feed small worms frequently than large worms infrequently. They struggle to get big ones down their throats I think. I will feed each axolotl one worm everyday. The feeder fish amount is down to four now :S
The axolotls spring at the worms like lions to a zebra. One of them almost pulled the sponge off my tweezers when he lunged at the worm on it. They're so cute. :)
Any minute now mama, been loading for a few hours now :S
After almost 24 hours of uploading, I present to you, my Axolotls!
A FTS ( you can see all the lotls here )

Here is Pedro my leucistic:

Here's a clip of him cruising about:
I have no idea why but the video appears to be going fast at some points :crazy:
And this is my golden olive axy dubbed morgan.

And of course a short vid of him going about his business
I've noticed that my Axolotls are far more active at night, here is a video I got of them at night swimming around.

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