Trying To Save My Betta


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
USA, Michigan
Im trying to save my betta. I just got him and in rough shape, no fins hardly left and whats left is starting to get fungus, and he has a super tiny case of ich. So I got some Tetracycline for him and his air is up and temp is up, i even added some salt for him. He starts kind of floating on the top for a few mins and then he is back to swimming again. So its about time for his dose of TC, im wondering if i should give it to him or not, im afraid it might make him worse or something. And i also want to know if there is some sort of fast acting thing i can do for him so he doesnt die during the night.
Hi, I am no expert, but you could try using Melafix, because as far as i know, that is all natural ingrediants, and it shoul dhelp with his fins, and at least get something in there to help him before using the other stuff which I'm not sure how it will react to the other stuff you have in there.

Good luck!!!!
If it were me (Which it isn't) i would just add salt, raise the temp a few degrees and lower the water level. Along with water changes every 2 days this should be good to go :)


P.S - Never Lost A Fish This Way :)
Hard to say without seeing him. If his fins are eaten down to the skinline, that's really bad because the infection gets into his bloodstream. If that is the case, Melafix won't help; you'll need a good antibiotic to fight infection. You can do a peroxide dab if it's extreme but there's no guarantee that he'll be able to recover and you'd still need the antibiotic treatment. If his fins are merely tattered, then salt in his water and keep him warm and clean always (always)--don't let any gunk collect in the tank, clean it every day. Once his fins begin to mend, you can try Melafix but I never bother using the stuff.

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