(\/)4R'/... betta freak
you do know that you will have hundreds of fry... unless you are selling to a breeder, or a petshop (which I would only do if they kept them in large, clean cups) I don't think many people will take that many bettas.ive allready spoken to someone that will take them all off my hands
That sounds a little bad. Does that mean they are from a pet shop?? It's not good to breed pet shop fish.i know nothing about the backgroud of the fish i allready have
So... you're going to keep breeding until you get 1 fry that is pink? and give the rest away? That would take a while, since you'd have to condition each fish, etc...trial and error i think it may be.
No, cello and red wn't make white. I don't know much about genetics, but I still think it would be better to order or buy a pink betta. Also, I may be wrong but that betta looks either opaque or platinum white, not cello.