Trying to get a Job!


Fish Addict
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Im going to fill out applications today at petsmart and other fish stores that are good in my area. I can only work on the weekends so i dont know how much luck ill have in getting a job.
Good Luck FishNewbie. :D

You've surely learned a lot about fish in the short time you've been posting here. I hope you can get the job. If not, then try at other places too. :nod:
:lol: Good one, Knuclehead!!! Yea, FN, maybe you'll be a new revelation for the people who work at LFS's!!!!! :thumbs:
I can't believe your parents let you get a job! :rolleyes: ;) :p
Well, anyways, best of luck to you!!!!
The thing with getting jobs at LFS's is that (From how the staff where I go to work) you seem to have to know at least a little bit about every single fish at the store. Anyways GL FN. :thumbs:
Good luck, FishNewbie. :)

We'll all be thinking about you. Be sure to let us know what happens, too. :nod:
Honestly I don't think the people at petsmart know ANYTHING about fish, if you do get hired you will be a welcome change. Good Luck!
Well im going to the interview today!! Its 2 and im still at school but my interview is at 3 and im getting a little nervous :no: so wish me luck!
How did it go, FishNewbie? :unsure:

I hope my good thoughts for you worked! :nod:

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