Trying to find an option


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2004
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I have a 2 gallon tank that a friend gave me and when I had my 3 gallon I put a heater in it and it was extremely unstable. I'd like to put something in the 2 gallon but I'm not very confident in heaters for tanks that small anymore. The problem is my father keeps the house at about 60 degrees all year around and that's on the freeezing side for most fish. Is there anything I could put into a tank that size and with the temperature around 60? It sounds highly unlikely but I'm new to this stuff and there could easily be something I'm not thinking of. Thanks! :)
Nothing but Betta, snails, shrimp and African Dwarf Frogs can go in something so small and none of those can survive 60° temps.
or a bigger tank? *shrugs* i've heard of poeple putting a light of their bettas to keep the temp warm, although i think that might be bad cuz the betta will always think it's daytime..
It would help during the day to keep the tank warm and toasty but yeah, it would throw off the fish during the night and it would also promote mega algae growth.
usually int he day i put the betta bowl int eh sun to increase teh temp a litlte, then i put it back on a shady area, but a relatively warm night, there's nothign much i can do to keep the temp up without constant light, so i just leave it, dont' think they're very ahppy tho..more the reason why i needt hat 10G set up asap.. :crazy:
tank that small could be heated with a desk lamp if it were going to be a betta tank.
Sky042 said:
tank that small could be heated with a desk lamp if it were going to be a betta tank.
Yup...that's how I keep my smaller bowls warm enough when needed.Also,the light fixture on my 5 gallon keeps it plenty warm.


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