Tryin to find last betta glofish already discontinued can you help me?

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I think the UK has something called 'glass dyed fish' which are physically injected with dye or painted.
they have those in the US as well... but yes, Glo Fish are different... not necessarily better, just different
The US has painted glass fish - everyone does as they get snuck in. A fluorescent dye is put into a hypodermic needle and injected into each fish. I've seen needle tattooed silver mollies in the US, with hearts carved into their flanks before Valentine's Day. I'm told there's a Christmas version. They sell extremely well.
Dyed fish go back to the 1950s.
Glofish are patented and you aren't supposed to breed them. They are created through gene splicing with jellyfish genes. I saw the Betta version once, and it wasn't very successful, as these things go. They were drab.
I don't appreciate any glo tech, but no one cares what I think. The dye injections eventually kill the fish, but glo genes have no health effect. The technical issue is you need to splce the genes into a fish where its natural colours won't interfere. They used a white mutation of widow tetras for the most popular glo-tetra, and the original glofish, a zebra danio (developed for water testing, not for hobbyists) didn't interfere much. They've also messed up smaller Pristella tetras using this technique.
don't forget sharks & barbs, even some Cory's... yep a full line... 3 pages of Glo fish at this supplier, if you wanted to see all the varieties

I think I read someplace that they expose the fish to a certain amount of pressure to sterilize them, so they can't breed... that is done, before they are released for sale to the public
It is illegal to dye or tattoo fish in the UK, but last I heard it was not illegal to import fish which had been dyed/tattooed elsewhere. The law might have been changed but if it has I'm not aware of it.
Edit - it is still legal to sell dyed fish

GM organisms are banned in the UK without a licence - those are issued for research purposes.
Glo fish are made by inserting a jellyfish gene into a fish egg.
"I think I read someplace that they expose the fish to a certain amount of pressure to sterilize them, so they can't breed... that is done, before they are released for sale to the public"
I have seen the results of glofish breeding attempts, and they were viable glofish. There are misguided rebels out there, and we had a local black market in glofish when they were illegal for sale here. There was the usual odd guy with tanks in his Mom's basement breeding them. I suspect the rumours of sterilization are to dissuade people from trying to breed them. They tend to use species that are very easy to breed and mass produce.

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