Try To Figure Out A Fert To Hepl Boost Plants

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PrairieSunflower said:
One the left photo, are those a straight row of brow dots on the underside of the leaves?  If yes, then those are seeds and a natural part of growth.  Does look like a bit of algae as well.
Here is one of mine with seeds underneath at the moment.
Not sure I will inspect them more when I head down stairs in a bit and try up rooting them to attach them to something. Its weird about the Alge that is the only plant that has any thing on it like that. So I figured it was part of how it was growing and not getting enough of something. I guess if its a java fern and I planted it that could maybe why.  
My anubias nanas have algae when none of the other plants in the tank have any... but I've noticed my nanas are happier that way as since they developed their thin algae they have been flowering.
I anchor my java fern to little rocks from the garden and that works well, some of the rest is tied to the back of my bogwood with string.
PrairieSunflower said:
My anubias nanas have algae when none of the other plants in the tank have any... but I've noticed my nanas are happier that way as since they developed their thin algae they have been flowering.
I anchor my java fern to little rocks from the garden and that works well, some of the rest is tied to the back of my bogwood with string.
thanks I have a few bigger rocks in tank I could attach them to. I have new shoots of ferns that have sprout on my ferns. How big do they have to get and or how do you take them off and care for them so they get bigger. Can they float or do you have to attach them to something. I will take a picture when I get to my tank and you can confirm maybe if they are what I think they are.
You can detach the plantlets straight away and attach them somewhere else.  The bigger they are the more luck they will have in establishing themselves.
daizeUK said:
You can detach the plantlets straight away and attach them somewhere else.  The bigger they are the more luck they will have in establishing themselves.
I'm lazy... I just wait until they go floating by and usually tie them to another java fern (I like them in a line like a curtain).

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