I'm trying really hard to act normal
In the past month, I've had real problems with my ten gallon tank. I had three fish (dwarf puffer, and two bumble bee gobies) die over night (they were fine when I went to bed...acting normal, no signs of disease). I then lost all four of my cories within a matter of days of one another, and within the past month, all of my ghost shrimp have died. And now my male molly is sitting in the bottom of the tank, no eating, not swimming...nothing. My ammonia and nitrate levels are both zero. I recently ( a week ago) added some new terra cotta pots to the tank, and I had some trouble getting the price tag and all of the glue off. If there was some still on there, could this be causing the deaths? I soaked the pots in boiling water before I added them to the tank. A few days ago, I noticed some "clear" poop with sections of regular poop, coming from my molly. Could this be internal parasites, and would these possibly cause the deaths?