Trouble In Paradise...


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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Hey everyone! So, i've managed to get myself into a little dilemna. Awhile back, i set up what I hoped would be a 55g malawi tank. I had about 9 fish in the tank when some form of disease wiped out all but three of them :'(. At this point, every new fish that was introduced was picked on mercilously, so i converted that tank into a community tank, but i had fallen in love with my three fish (1 psuedotropheos socolofi, 1 melanochromis auratus, 1 labidochromis caeruleus) so i moved them to my 20g tank, although i new this probably wouldn't work long term. Now, as you might expect, the labidochromis is recovering/de-stressing in his own quarantine/hospital tank after being beat up pretty bad, and the other two are still in the 20g. Here comes the dilemna: I absolutely adore the socolofi, so i really want to keep him. The other two i am planning to sell back to a pet store. I originally thought about breeding socolofis in the 20g, but i'm not sure if this could work, so do you think that I should: 1) buy some females and breed them 2) put some some small synodontis catfish in with him 3) put some other malawis in there or 4) leave him by himself? Thank you all! Any help would be apreciated!
20 g is just too small for those guys and the melanochromis auratus can get real freaking mean. Even for a single scofoli the 20 g is just too small in my eyes. Sorry i just don't see any of your options working.

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