Trouble in both tanks.

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you can add salt to the ram tank.

the ram tank could do with a thin layer of sand or gravel on the bottom.
make sure there is a picture on the back of the tank.
crush the food up so it's smaller and easier for both fish to eat.
have the aquarium heater on a slight angle. The thermostat needs to be higher than the heating coil. The thermostat is at the end with the cord.
I'll make those adjustments now.
It's day 5 since my first post. I've set up the hospital tank with the ram to a more normal setup with gravel, caves, and fake plants. I've been doing big water changes every day since. Good thing I have this whole multiple aquarium maintenance thing down. It's over 100 gallons per day between the 3 tanks.

Not much has changed with the ram. It seems like he may have suffered permanent damage. He just paddles around using his pectoral fins as shown in a previous video. He does not use the rear half of his body to swim. Perhaps he's partiality paralyzed?

Things are good in the 55. Today will be my last daily water change on that tank. I'll return to normal schedule, which is a Tuesday water change.

The severum is doing better as well. He still does his gulping thing which I find weird, but it is definitely less often. He has returned to eating a lot the past 3 days and back to his normal self otherwise. In all my experience, I've never seen this gulping behavior from an otherwise healthy fish.

I'd hate to euthanize the ram, but there's no way he can be added back to his real tank like this. The heavier flow from a power filter and stress from other tankmates would tourment him. I'm hopeful he can recover, but realistically it seems unlikely at the moment.

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