Fish Crazy
I noticed that whenever I get new Betta, for the first few days he won't eat the Betta pellets. After a few days I would grow worried that my Betta would not be eating, so I know how strange it can be waiting for your fish to stop being annorexic
It's called classical conditioning. It's a technique I learned in my psychology class where where you teach an animal to associate a neutral stimuli with a desired stimuli.
For example: you teach a dog to come at the ring of a bell by feeding your dog and rining a bell while it eats. After a few trials it will begin to associate the bell with food. Later on it will respond to just the bell.
I applied the same theory to my fish. What I did was I noticed that they would ignore the pellets but would immediately go after the bloodworms. So what I would do is feed my betta a worm and as soon as it would eat the worm I put a pellet in the bowl. If my betta would not eat the pellet after a few minutes, I pulled the pellet out and repeated the same experiment a few times until it ate the pellets.
My new plakat responded to the pellet on the first time I tried the experiment. My Crown-fin responded after about three tries. My marble responded on the second day of my experiment.
I suggest you try the exercise maybe three or four times per day. If it still doesn't respond by the fourth time then halt the exercise and begin again on the next day.
I hope this helps
It's called classical conditioning. It's a technique I learned in my psychology class where where you teach an animal to associate a neutral stimuli with a desired stimuli.
For example: you teach a dog to come at the ring of a bell by feeding your dog and rining a bell while it eats. After a few trials it will begin to associate the bell with food. Later on it will respond to just the bell.
I applied the same theory to my fish. What I did was I noticed that they would ignore the pellets but would immediately go after the bloodworms. So what I would do is feed my betta a worm and as soon as it would eat the worm I put a pellet in the bowl. If my betta would not eat the pellet after a few minutes, I pulled the pellet out and repeated the same experiment a few times until it ate the pellets.
My new plakat responded to the pellet on the first time I tried the experiment. My Crown-fin responded after about three tries. My marble responded on the second day of my experiment.
I suggest you try the exercise maybe three or four times per day. If it still doesn't respond by the fourth time then halt the exercise and begin again on the next day.
I hope this helps