Trouble getting food to Kuhli Loaches

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New Member
Feb 21, 2020
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Tacoma, WA
Good evening!

I wanted some advice relating to my 4 Kuhli loaches. I've got a 40 gallon breeder stocked with the 4 loaches, 20 cherry barbs and a King Betta. I am having a VERY hard time getting food down to the Kuhlis. The barbs are so fast that they eat any frozen foods or flakes before it gets down to the bottom and they will also eat all of the sinking pellets that I put in before the kuhlis get them. I also tried putting in sinking shrimp pellets right before lights out but I watched all 20 of the barbs go straight for it. I've hidden pellets in my plants but the barbs are small enough to get in there and eat it.

Any suggestions?? They are definitely not getting enough food and I'm worried they'll starve.
You could put in a little bottle with an opening small enough for the barbs to not be able to get in, but for the khulis to get in and put food for them in there.
A pvc tube works, you just aim it towards were the kuhlis like to hide and drop pellets down it.
Try feeding a couple of hours after the lights have been turned off. The barbs should be asleep then and the nocturnal fishes like catfish, loaches and eels can eat without the barbs stealing the food.

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