Tropical To Marine Same Tank Few Questions

Pumps want to be positioned such that you get good flow through all the LR, no dead zones :good: They don't have to be one either side, but that's how most do it.

If the rock smells oceany only, it's cured. Any other smell indicated that it's still curing. If buying from a shop, ask to see them test Ammonia and NitrIte for you. They should be both zero. If they are not, the majority (no neccisarily all) of the the rock will still be curing :nod:

All the best
Thanks everone im learning new things every 5 mins so i dont need to buy powerheads in there because koralis pumps are just the same thing really right ok brilliant i was gonna buy these but im not now its pretty simply really mind ya though im just going down the simply route no corals for me
Was just thinking i was told to take out my internal for my new setup how am i supposed to polish my water without one i cant really buy a external at the minute and dont wanna leave my internal in now after hearing they leave dead spots for nitrate build up
Your lr is the filter, don't need an external :good:

Seffie x


But i was just thinking i use filter floss in my internal and its brilliant it makes my water crystal clear but i cant use that now will my water look a little cloudy in a marine setup as i wont have filter floss take small practicals out the water
Your lr is the filter, don't need an external :good:

Seffie x


But i was just thinking i use filter floss in my internal and its brilliant it makes my water crystal clear but i cant use that now will my water look a little cloudy in a marine setup as i wont have filter floss take small practicals out the water

No, will not be cloudy - remove the filter floss and put in some lr rubble and rowaphos

seffie x

Yeah, cloudiness is rarely a problem in marine tanks. If you want to use the filter and the filter floss, you can... You just have to make sure you clean it weekly. I personally am too lazy a fishkeeper to do this. You may be more dilligent than I though :)
Instead of a fowlr how would I do a fo what would I need to do with my juwel tank and could I use oceon rock thats in my trop tank and I would use coral sand instead any advice could I just use my internal thanks
Instead of a fowlr how would I do a fo what would I need to do with my juwel tank and could I use oceon rock thats in my trop tank and I would use coral sand instead any advice could I just use my internal thanks

Yes you can put the ocean rock in but you will also need a filter - I think I would use the ocean rock and get good LR, LR is the best filter and less trouble than an external filter :good: LR is certainly more interesting to watch than an external filter :p

I wouldn't use the juwel internal filter, will turn into a nitrate factory unless you are very good at keeping it clean :sick:

Seffie x

I suppose the amount I would spend on a external I could buy live rock and some pumps
I suppose the amount I would spend on a external I could buy live rock and some pumps


But if you do want to go FO, its really no different than a freshwater system with salt... Same cycling principals apply

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