Tropical Tank Sand


Mostly New Member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hi all. I wonder if anyone can help?
We set our old tank back up (180ltr juwel rio) we put sand, plants, ornaments and a bubble bar light. The only thing is the bubble bar seems to blow the sand everywhere and covers everything.
It looks really nice but like a snow globe?
Any ideas apart from changing the sand if possible
You can try to reduce the power of the air pump powering your bubble bar. It may have a switch to adjust it or you may have to look for other methods (different strength pump, thinner air tubing)
Thanks for the reply.
No switch so looks like I'll have to change the sand or take the light out :0(
Had a smaller air stone in but that was just as bad. Like I say it looks like a snow globe. The other half thinks it'll be ok as I was panicking about blinding the fish, they pointed out they live with the sand anyways haha
Half the time its more realistic for the fish, living in cloudy looking water, rather than crystal clear.

Have you only recently put the sand in? I used to get the same problem but quickly the sand kicking dies down and the sand readily falls back to the bed after an inch or three of kickup. The type of airstone i was using at the time was a 3' long solid stone, encased in 3 sides with plastic (no brand sorry) which also meant it was only directing air up, not down out the bottom into the sand.
It's not cloudy ;0) it's been in for four days now but we only stuck the bubble lighting in two days ago. The sand is blowing everywhere. The plants, ornaments ( one is a log and looks like its covered in snow) and the bog wood are all covered.
The lighting/bubble unit is about two foot long. But it's blowing the sand everywhere lol
I might just unplug the pump?
Looks different ill put a video on YouTube look for foxcskaraoke
Keep in mind we still have to put the background on the tank and more plants at the back, and the other stuff still has to be arranged ;0)
Just posting the video now
Thanks for the reply also
Robbo89 said:
You can try to reduce the power of the air pump powering your bubble bar. It may have a switch to adjust it or you may have to look for other methods (different strength pump, thinner air tubing)
An easy way to control air flow is to tie a knot in the supply line, you can tighten it to reduce air flow rate.  It's simple but remarkably effective!
you can get inline valve thats adjustable.
i have just changed to sand myself and was thinking sand would get blown everywhere

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