Tropical Newbie, Fish Choices

ghostknifedp said:
PLEASSSSSE cycle! i dont like dying fish... :byebye:
Well, day 3, and still no dead fish. How long till they die ?
Usually within two weeks. Clear amonia is infinitly less expensive than the cheapest of fish.
I'll tell you right now, I started one month ago, and if I knew about fishless cycling, I would have done it in a second. As it was, I put 7 fish (3 swords, 4 platys) in my tank to cycle it, and I've only got 3 of them left (2 swords, 1 platy). But, I guess you've already got the 'fishful' cycle going, so be sure you go to your LFS every week or so with a water sample, to have them advise you on what else you should do to try and help your fish.

I lost mine to ick, mostly because they became susceptible due to the poor water quality. Some others just became stressed and stopped eating.

Anyway, I hope your trend continues and you don't lose any fish during your cycle. It would probably be the most successful fushful cycle in history.

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