Tropical Lilly Bulbs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2006
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Bromley, kent
Been looking about on Ebay for some Aquarium plants, found these on ebay, does anyone know much about them and would they be any good?

The bulbs are 1'' in diameter and grow to about 6'' high, thought they might be ideal for my Turtle and for adding shade to the Tank

Tropical Lilly
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the lily pads on those bulbs will get stems a lottt longer than 6 inches, but they do provide good cover, scientific names are nymphea stellata and nymphea zenkeri search them on google images, other good bulb based plants are aponogetons, search for aponogeton crispus or bolivianus.
Thanks, Was only thinking of putting the 1 in the tank just wasn't sure if they would add anything to the water or end up looking stupid in a fish tank.
I grow a nympahe stellata in my planted tank. You don't have to let the leaves reach the surface for the lilly to grow, just snip them off once they pass the hight you want them at. They will grow much longer stems than 6 inches if you let them though.


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