Tropical Kribs


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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Apparently i see that some people have kribs in there tropical community tanks. Arent kribs cichlids? Or are you allowed to put them with community fish?
They are cichlids and they are pretty peaceful except when they are protecting fry.
Kribensis, can be kept in communitys like mine: 2 albino's( pair), 2 cockatoo's, 3 swordtails, 2 mollies, and alot of plants ,etc in a 20g flat hexagon. They dont have any issues.
Mine are super aggresive. It all depends, every cichlid has its own pesonality. Iv had to move mine from a community to with some jewel cichlids. Now everybody gets along fine!
As above, it depends on your individuals. I used to have a pair of P. roloffi that were evil and wouldn't tolerate any company at all, but my current pair of Nigerian red kribs are gentle giants and co-exist happily in my commmunity. :good:
Exactl, i have a pair of rugalr kribensis in a 30g alone, except for a bunch of feeders( home bred), and a large pleco.
I think ill get a ram instead since the krib may be aggressive.

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