Tropical Frogs - Any Good In A Community Tank?


New Member
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Wirral, England
I'm pretty new to keeping tropical fish, as i've only been at it for about a year.
I've progressed from a 60L tank to a 130L tank and a 17L tank. I have a quiet community tank and have loved the idea of adding a frog to my tank but am un sure if a frog would be ok with my fish?

Has anyone have any experience in this? :rolleyes:
As long as you have peaceful fish that won't nip or bother the frog, they are a great addition to a community tank. The only other problem you might have is feeding, ADF's aren't the most aggressive feeders and you'll need to watch carefully to see that they eat, you may even need to target feed them. Frozen/fresh bloodworms are probably the best food for them.

Oh, almost forgot, when mixing with fish you'll want to get an ADF (African Dwarf Frog), as opposed to an ACF (African clawed frog) which eat fish. Many LFS get their identification wrong, so be sure to take a close look at the frog's front "hands", ADF's have webbed "hands" and stay around 2 inches, while ACF's have individual little "fingers".
are african dwarf frogs the one commonly used as feeds for large fishes?
Brilliant, thanks :good: i've never took the plunge as i was worried about my fish and worried in case i killed the little frog. Everything in my tank is peaceful, i never have problems with bully fish or fin nippers, they even leave my snails alone.

I think i could target feed him ok..... Would i have to feed him worms everyday or would he eat some of the flaked food and pellets i feed my fish?

Katt :rolleyes:
He might eat the pellets, not sure though, depends on the frog. As for feeding, give them a small amount of either frozen blood worms or brine shrimp (thawed of course) every 3-4 days. They're pretty low maintenance pets.

Straydum-Not sure if they are used for feeders or not, I've never heard of it around here.
I have two ADFs in my fish tank,I have to feed them bloodworms in a syringe to make sure they eat before the fish.
They do not eat Plants, but every other living thing. Shrimp, Clams and Fish. I saw one of mine almost eat one of my clams.

I think you're confusing dwarf frogs with clawed frogs. A clam would have to be pretty tiny to fit in a Dwarf Frog's mouth.

Anyway, the only time I've ever seen African Dwarf Frogs "attack" a tankmate is when food is in the water. They are nearly blind at close range, and hunt by smell, so they can snap at just about anything once they get a whiff of bloodworm. I remember one particuarly comical time an ADF chased a Bamboo Shrimp halfway across the tank, snapping at his tail but doing absolutely no damage. :lol:
One thing that's an absolute essential, if you have frogs in your tank, is to have a close fitting lid. These little guys are strong jumpers and will escape through surprisingly small openings.
I wait until my ADF is floating and then drop a couple blood worms. He'll reach em as he floats. Alot of the times when I drop an algae disk for my pleco, my ADF picks at it agressively, nipping playfully at the other fish who try to get at it. My ADF will occasionally snap at my fish too, when they are near him. He does it as if he was testing his hunting instincts as well as testing the patience of my dwarf platy XD.

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