Tropica Plant Nutrition Liquid


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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I am going to pick up the Tropica Plant Nutrition liquid or liquid+ tomorrow and was looking for a bit of advice on which one to get.

I was going to get the tropica + as i have a low stock of fish and also read on this site that it was a better product. Only problem is I also have a bit of brown algae on some of the leaves of my Echinodorus bleheri and am wondering if the liquid + might be the wrong product for the moment. I have read that brown algae comes from low light or bad tank stats. Weird thing is i tested stats there and ammonia=0; nitrite=0 & nitrate=just below lowest colour on chart (nutrafin liquid test kit) and i installed an extra light tube giving me around 1.8 watts per gallon (give or take). Also have nutrafin co2 running on the home made mix and my Ceratopteris thalictroides has grown a good bit in the last week.

Am hoping to get a nice covering of plants over the next month or 2 so was thinking the liquid + is the way too go but definitely dont want to develop a huge algae problem.

Any advice would be appreciated

Tank details:
110 litres (29 US gallons) running about 4 months fully fishless cycled
Tropica substrate
E bleheri x 2; C thalictroides x 1; Hygrophila corymbosa x 2 all one week old. Also some low light plants on bogwood but cant remember the names.
Also going to change the 18 watt bulb installed in the new 30 watt ballast to a 25 watt bulb and hoping to add a few more lowish light fast growing plants tomorrow.
ammonia test kits detect levels that are safe for fish, you will still have ammonia in the tank always, and this undectable ammonia is what causes algae. The diatoms will go after a few months.

i would go for TPN+
Nutrients dont cause algae, so you should be fine providing everything else is in balance.
Hey Aaron,

Once again thanks for your reply and advice. Well appreciated :good:


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