Fish Connoisseur
It doesn't do that when I'm on vista...
he's a 12-year old boy! Don't expect him to act like an adult.
I agree. If you think I'm being too patient with him on the forums, you should see my PM inbox. I am being way too patient with him. I have given him sooooooo much advice, most of it being extremely simple stuff and lots of it isn't even fish related. He says he'll follow it, then either ignores it completely or only half follows it.Toatally agree with Prankster, if he can make perfect sence with english as a third language, why can't Cobalt?
Cobalt has put me off the inverts forum purely because im sick of seeing yet more posts where people are telling him what to do time and time again (its not you guys im getting at, your being to patient with him lol) and having their advice and time ignored. Yes, we have all put bad posts and made mistakes, but it seams as if each post Cobalt puts is even worse: ignoring advice from more experienced members, giving the wrong advice and continually speaking in text lingo gives off a very poor impression of someone im sure is mislead.
There doesn't appear to be anything that says it on this forum, though most other forums seem to have that as a rule when signing up and now I know why.Although, wasn't there some sort of law that prohibits people under 13 from signing up for services on the internet?
YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1![]()
Alternatively to that post, you could have tried to show some maturity.YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1![]()
That would be above him lol... Just shows some more extreme imaturity... sighAlternatively to that post, you could have tried to show some maturity.YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1![]()
You can always amend your ways and apologise.