Triop? No! Its A Pink One!

new picture! this one i managed to capture the eggs in the egg pouch!


I've taken alot more but there is over 200 shots which i need to go through to pick out the best ones, not to mention the water is getting very dirty now XD lots of green!!
Damit, the hot weather came in and the tank reached 23 was enough to kill her of :( Honestly what is going on with the uk weather? one min is cold then is baking!! driving me nuts
I can really sympathise. I'm still waiting for my new shipment of shrimp due to bad/unpredictable weather. Wish inverts were a bit hardier! lol.
Oh tell me about it :( i was so proud of her! first pink triop i got to grow to such a size, and to top it of i will now have to explain it to my daughter! thats going to be tuff....:(

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