Trigon 190 Planted Tank

Puffer punk

Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2006
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Hey everyone

i had to strip my planted tank a few months ago becuase of family problems , i have now moved away from them and i have a trigon 190 thats going to b planted.

Equipment i have
HQI 150watt MH with 2x18 watt actinics(pc's)
I will change the 10k lamp to a 5.2k lamp and change A actinic to either a daylight plus or a tri-plus

Fluval 305 external filter
dont need to change much

ferplast presurised Co2

Sera flora-depot with dorset pea gravel at the tank and sand at the front of the tank .

bog wood ( i have some amano shape peices)

150watt visi thearm heater

Things i need to get


anything else???

thanks for reading and please ask ny quistions
Sounds great :good:
Would be wise to get liquid ferts too.
What style you going for?
prefferably going for the ' nature aquarium' look :D

got sme wood and my lights tonight pics of them tomorrow as well as the first empty tank pics.

now how should i put the co2 into the tank

1) do what i done last time which was i put the line of co2 into my out-put line for my exernal so it creats a mist efect.

2) use the nutrafin ladder

Been thinking about my plants today and the first plants im going to use are , Hygrophilia polysperma , Hyrgophillia polysperm 'revinsrg' , Rotala's and Ludwigia 's

Fish at least a pair of apistogramma nisanji
Cool. If you found that the mist worked well then do that again.
Stargrass Heteranthera zosterifolia is a nice plant.
Get TMG!! BTW its now called plant nutrition, the plant nutrition plus has N and P in it, not sure if you'd need these. BUt certainly get it, by far the best there is.

ok a pic of the wood i have


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right been thinking bout diffusers and i found a cheapo one tht im thinking about getting .


wht you guys think?
Looks good, Ive got two glass diffusers and they both work very well.

was looking at the ADA ones but i cold'nt justify the money i mean i have no problem spending money but at 15 theres limits lol
ok heres my aqua scape all i need are plants now


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