Triggers And Clowns?


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
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I really want one trigger fish will they harm a pair of clowns, yellow tang or a sleeper gobe ? And are there some triggers less mean ? I have a 90 gallon with live rock thanks!!!!!
Hi, triggers are great but they will eat EVERYTHING smaller than it!!!11 :crazy: They need to be kept with things the same size as itself, e.g the larger angels like emperors, lionfish etc. They need to be kept in a really large tank as will grow to a foot long, some even larger, and are not reef safe. We really wanted one too, but until we have the room and money for a 6ft x 2 x2 I can't have one!!! My favourite type is the Picasso, which is slightly less aggressive and much cheaper than the clown.
You could actually get a reef safe trigger will not harm your other fish.

here are the reef safe one's Bluethroat trigger, Crosshatch Trigger and the Sargassum Triggerfish.
Yes, but even a trigger that wont nip corals will eat clownfish when it gets big enough... :/
what about if the ish is fully grown and it'a only like maybe 2 inch, or 1 1/2 inc...

it i with 2 clown fish/smaller fish at the pet sorte here..and it's perfict!!??
Ultimately triggerfish WILL grow big enough to consume even full-grown perc clowns (2-3"). Full-grown maroons MIGHT be ok with them, but not percs/ocellaris/skunks.
oh and forget about keeping lionfish with triggers.

they are really nasty to them irrespective of size
Well my 6" bluethroat doesn't even bother my 1" clownfish but he hates all the gobies. He killed a six spotted goby and a diamond-back goby already.

I also got a yellow watchman goby. He only stays near his cave with a pistol shrimp. The trigger will try to get him from time but he just darts back in the cave.
my m8 has a 13" black trigger with his maroons and hes a great fish! he steals his ribbon eels live feeders lol.

The smallest Trigger grows to be 10"inches. So think long and hard about how much toughs clown fish mean to you.

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