Tried Rearranging Tank


May 19, 2006
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ok i tried separating out some of my amazon swords and also generally moving my plants around and changing my bogwood. My problem is the amazon sword had developed a massive root system and i have disturbed all my tank getting it up and also ive got fine bits of root all floating in my tank. Should i have trimmed the roots down before trying to replant? will they rot about the sand? basically i have messed my tank up big time and i need help! should i move my two fish (gourami and bristlenose) into my hospital tank and then take the water out and sort it all out?


very stressed mike
You could have trimmed the roots, but it shouldn't make to much difference. Unless the water is very very cloudy, the fish should be fine.

ok the water has cleared and all the stuff settled now, roots still popping out the sand, might give them a trim, im guessing this will slow the growth of the swords a bit but i guess thats not a problem as they have been growing very fast as it is.
I'm not sure if it is completely relevant, but in the non-aquatic world a lot of plants respond well to root pruning. So it might be best to try clipping the roots of one bunch and observing how they behave compared to the others.
Tis true, and the same applies to several aquatic plants, clipping the roots actually stimulate root growth. Cant remember which species it is though, sorry. Although I think its more common than not.

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