Travelling Fry...


Fish Addict
May 25, 2005
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Northern California
I'm doing a Business project in Economics, of course based around my fry! Next Monday, I'm doing my presentation and I would really like to bring in one or two fry in a plastic fish bag. They'll be out of their tank for around 2 hours, in a double bag within a styrafoam box and with minimal swishing of the bag, except when I take them out to show them off. I'll of course take one or two of the largest fry that are very healthy.

Does anyone think this is a horrible idea? I'm not completely positive if they really, really need stable temps at this point or if it'd be ok. I think it'll be fairly stable... and I can throw a heat pack into the styrafoam box if need be. The average size chart I've seen says that 9 week-old fry are around 1.5 inches... which seems ludicrously huge compared to even my largest fry now, but I dunno. :shifty:
I don't have betta fry experience but when I had them (no not me personally :p ), the guppy fry seemed to adjust to new situations much much easier. I travelled with them one hour by car from university to my parents house and they seemed to care less while the parents were definatly freaked out and stressed.

What's your project about?
I think it would be ok, since they won't be out for very long at all. However, if you try it and it goes horribly wrong, please don't beat me :look:
my biggest almost-8-week old is definitely over an inch already and i think he (she?) would probably hold up to traveling okay.
At 9 weeks old they should be pretty close to being "show ready" and most definitely "jar ready" by that age, so I'd say they'd definitely be fine for just a couple of hours.
thank you for the advice! I'll let everyone know how it goes ;). Wuv, yep the largest are just over 1 inch. They seem so much smaller, though!

Nino, we had to start a Business for our Econ project, so my business is Betta breeding. I had to think of a name, so we're Kaotic Betta. meh, I know it's cheesy. :X My business partner is my friend Grace... she basically hasn't done anything, except buying some items and caring for them while a was away a few times, but its cool.

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