Travelling Fish


New Member
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi I just got my first betta on the weekend and have him in a 22L tank. The problem is when ever i put the filter on her strugles to swim, is it necessary to run the filter all the time?

I also am going to be going away for a week at christmas and was wondering if it would be to much stress on the fish to put him in a smaller tank and bring him with me as I have no one feed him for me

Thanks :)
Bettas don't like strong currents.
Look at his fins. It's already hard enough for him to swim. Set the filter on low.
Well I have my male betta in my 10gallon tank with my corydoras. He still struggles to swim under the current. It would be better if you put him in a tupperware if your traveling then you can bring a bowl with you and when you get to your destination you can put him in there.
He doesn't need a filter for a tank that small, it's not really necessary. Before you go on vacation, give him a 100% water change so he's not stuck in dirty water. Fish can go up to a week without feeding just fine. I just left mine alone at school for 5 days while I went home for Thanksgiving holiday and they were just fine when I got back.
If you really want to take him with you, you can but it might stress him out. Your tank is pretty small so you could probably just drain it halfway and take him in that. When filling it up again try to make the water temperature to what he's already swimming in, that well help decrease stress.

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