Transporting Large Amounts Of Coral And Lr


Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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My plan is....

Take a poly box (commonly used for transporting fish) give it a really really really good rinse out and wash down, then siphon some of the water out of the tank into the box (enough to cover the coral) then begin scooping the coral out in a small bucket and placeing into the box so as not to let the air touch it. and then leave the coral sat in the box with plenty of water covering it so that in transport no air touches it and well packed so it dosent move.

would this work?
Id say individual bags would be better. get some from your LFS if you can. Wrap damp coral in SW soaked newspaper, wrap around the coral, place in an individual bag, tie up like an LFS would your fish, and then place them all in the sryofoam box.

If you packed them altogether they might release unknowns, and that could really effect other corals. Toxic warefar could be unleashed. Better to be safe than sorry IMO, and individually bag 'em!

:good: Goodluck with the move!
Don't know about the coral since I don't have them yet, but I just moved my tank about 15 miles across town. I got 3 poly boxes, each 5 gallons and syphoned the tank water into it. Then put the live rock in. Then put the fish in. I thought it may be easier on the fish if they had rocks to rest near. It all work out very well!!

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