Transparent tetras twitching


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
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New zealand
Neon tetras going transparent and twitching not swimming in the bottom of my mums tank.
I just did a 50% water change as the nitrite was quite high. Have been doing a few water changes in the last week as the nitrite hasn’t gone down much.
Anyone know what this is?


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These are glowlight tetras.
Can you place a full tankpic ?
Oh yeah sorry. I ment glow lights. She asked for neons in the store and they gave us glowlights so I keep getting them mixed up 😂
I don't have any full tank pics because the house is now locked (I don't live in the house) it's 12am here.
I do have this pic of me filling it.
It's a crap hole of a tank with all fake plants etc :/ but she gets what she wants and doesent compromise
It has a filter/heater/thermometer/bubbler etc
Ah these are new arrivals then.
That is part of the problem then.
Plus the tank isn't cycled I think
Reduce feeding to 2-3 times a week until the tank has finished cycling (developing the good filter bacteria). You can increase the feeding after the tank has cycled.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate any day you have an ammonia or nitrite reading above 0ppm.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

How do you or your mum clean the filter?
What sort of filter is in/ on the tank?
Tell her that the tank needs some real plants... These fish need a natural place to hide, this could be part of the reason they are losing color. Something I heard someone say, which is true in so many ways is: "The less hiding spots there are, the less you will see your fish, but the more you have, the more you will see them" When there is a ton of spots, they will feel comfortable coming out and showing colors and swimming all around... BUT, another reason your fsh are not doing well, is that the tank is most likely not cycled. So I would do exactly as @Colin_T suggested to do a "fish-in cycle", which is the last resort method and shouldnt be done on purpose
Tell her that the tank needs some real plants... These fish need a natural place to hide, this could be part of the reason they are losing color. Something I heard someone say, which is true in so many ways is: "The less hiding spots there are, the less you will see your fish, but the more you have, the more you will see them" When there is a ton of spots, they will feel comfortable coming out and showing colors and swimming all around... BUT, another reason your fsh are not doing well, is that the tank is most likely not cycled. So I would do exactly as @Colin_T suggested to do a "fish-in cycle", which is the last resort method and shouldnt be done on purpose
I made sure the tank was cycled before she put the fish in. I have been trying to convince her to put plants in for a while but she doesnt like them. Though I think last night scared her enough to finally get plants.
Here's my tank for reference on how I like to keep my fish. I have 2 baby bristlenosed plecs
get some water sprite, it's a floating plant that grows well in most tanks and can also be planted in the gravel. Let her start off with 1 or 2 of them and they won't interfere with the normal plastic ones but might encourage her to try others.

the floating plants will also help reduce ammonia and nitrite.

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