Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Okay I just got my 55 gallon ready for my fish that are in my 29 gallon. The only thing that is different between the two is that, the tank with the fish in it is .5-1 degrees fahrenheit lower than the tank that I'm transferring them to. I'm using the same thermometer to measure the temperature. Both of the tanks are in the exact same room, both away from windows and they're about 4 feet apart. Neither of them have heaters. I let them sit over night already and the temperatures didn't change in either tank.

My main question is, is this going to be harmful for the fish if I transfer them with this slight temperature difference? I'm just trying to avoid putting them in bags and letting them float. I've already checked the water parameters and they're the same in both tanks.

Any advice would be great!
Your tropical fish will have no problem adapting to a 1/2 degree temperature difference.
Personally I would acclimate the fish anyway. Have you tested hardness of your water? It's not all about the water chemistry when moving the fish, its to do with stress as well.

If you spend 30-60 minutes chasing fish around your 29G, then throw them into a new tank, with water difference, it will add to stress.

Personally i would acclimate, but it's your call. Its your call
I moved a lot of fish around yesterday. I combined it with big water changes and a proper clean out of all my tanks, so removed the water and decor, then bagged them and floated them in the tanks they were going to until i had finished. I didn't bother to drip acclimatise as its the same water source so ph etc should be very similar, and all fish all are fine today.
i agree with everyone else about bagging your fish. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that trying to take short cuts usually leads to trouble. Better safe than sorry! :good: Hope the move goes well.

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