Trained Fish?!


Oct 27, 2008
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Milton Keynes
I was talking to my mate at school and he says that his fish poo in the same place everytime, I dont know what fish hes got but when we were talking someone who had seen it said that he was telling the truth!

Would it just be the way the pump works and the way the water is circulated?

Thanks, D.
I dont know, but if someone has learned to train a plec to poo in one spot, then please introduce me to them :)
I have a pleco that prefers a certain spot in the tank so more often than not his poo ends up in a pile beneath the piece of driftwood. Could this be what is going on in your friend's case?
i had that the tank would look clean but every graval vac i would turn the wood over and it would have heaps of poo under it.
Lovely thread lol.
Just had my tea and feel sick now.
My Clown Pleco poos in the same vicinity, but it's because he poos where he hangs out! I've seen a video where Goldfish are trained to swim through a maze for food. I'm not sure it hasn't been rigged. My Fantail is not too bright...he can barely find the food, if it's not under his nose!!!
it is possible to train a fish as proved by mythbusters

Somebody in this year's Intel international science fair took it a bit farther and actually trained one goldfish to teach OTHER goldfish how to run a similar maze (the fish would push them towards the openings and block the holes if they tried to swim the wrong way).

But LITTER train them? Sounds a bit far fetched there, I think. My tank has spots that get a lot of fish poop, but I think it has more to do with the flow than anything else, since dead leaves and food accumulate in the same spots. If there's a circular flow in part of the tank, poop and other debris will accumulate at the center of it.

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