Trading Fish At Lfs


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Falkirk, Polmont
I know this is not the best way to deal with personal purchasing mistakes, but myself i had originally
through total ignorance and dumbness allowed my son to totally overstock his set up .

I am now in the process of re-adressing this and as such have purchased a larger tank myself split the fish between two tanks and am re-assessing what fish we should have as I personally do not cope with bullying even in fish so it needs to be totally COMUNITY! LOL :/

:blush: Our local fish store agreed to swap our 3x firemouth and in exchange i now have a pair of dwarf gourami, how do others deal with these situations? :sad:

I get quite attached to the fish and thankfully we have not suffered any fatalities over a 9mth period of keeping fish even though I am dumb :blink:

Dont worry have got a few good books and am working on the pea-brain of mine and trying to develop knowlege base from postage stamp to homework jotter size :hyper:

Has anyone else been in same situation?

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