
I tried ghost shrimp in my tanks at one point, but all the bettas (excluding one) ripped them to shreds. Altarib likes his shrimpy friend, though :lol:
He follows it around the tank all the time... for some reason he was the only one who didn't see the shrimp as food.
I there is a flat bottom you could give him a round ball to push around. But I love to give them a mirror, they will puff up and they think they are winning , but don’t leave it in there all the time.
i dont want mine havin a heart attack with the mirror... i think ill find something soon

i wish i could have tonight but i had hockey .. 1 goal (whos the man) :flex:

ahaha ok ill stop being an e-tard

hockey tomorrow too.. and canucks game... 2 busy tomorrow... and sunday.. MORE HOCKEY... bah hopefully on sunday i can find time
pictures eh...... well i was actually talking about the females being bored.... o well
Sorry that was me getting really tired of telling people not to but females & males together at 2am :D

It would probably work just the same with your female, adding pics of males & fems to the side of her tank - it really has worked well with my fish (though now they have live-tank buddies) who don't seem to notice the other fish aren't moving...

I've had great success with a piece of 1.5" pvc pipe. My betta and corys swim in it together :wub:
pvc pipe you say... hmm.... well.. i got none, and dont feel like buyin any LOL

hmmm.. might have to flowerpot that tank up... i dont feel like spending money tho... 1/2 my guppies just died, donno if im gonna buy more, or jus let em breed over and over again (well.. hope the fry survive)...

i have tons of money but dont feel like spending it... very odd... when i have little money i wanna spend it but now that i have tons i dont wanna spend :S

i held off on pink convicts today... and on 3 for 1 bettas aswell.. im goin pretty strong...

maybe i can find some pvc pipe... they be buildin houses down the road.. ill go search their site and see if there are any small pvc pipes lyin around..

cool my orange male is workin on his bubblenest.. ne wayz..

i think ill have to get the bobbel (fishing thingy) idea first.. sorry to bore u :X

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