toxic flower in fish tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2022
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
So my parents had gotten these baby breath flowers and they put them right next to my fish tank and one of the flowers fell into the tank, it was in there for probably over 20 minutes because It was difficult to see. I did a water change and I am really worried because it fell into the tank of my most beloved fish. Will my fish be ok?
If the fish are ok after an hour they should be fine. If they start acting weird or gasping, do another big (80-90%) water change. They should be ok tho because you did a water change shortly after it happened.
Saponins, the gastro poison in baby's breath, is toxic to fish but I believe
they have to eat it. You did the right thing with a water change, and should be fine.
Hooded tanks for the win 😎

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