Totally Gutted...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I noticed my cory fry didn't seem very active this morning,after testing the water i found the nitrite to be 1.0ppm :shout:

Well after doing a 90% w/c and removing 12 dead fry i am totally gutted :sad: :no:

I blame myself i think i've been overfeeding them hence the nitrite so high and poisoned the wee things.even though i do a 50% w/c daily and clean the tank.

There are a few more looking a bit lethargic,

I remember this happening before with my first lot but i didn't lose any fry that time.
so sorry to hear this mate :sad: i hope the others are ok for you :good: i also found a dead fry this morning and i was peeved but to find as many as you did you must be really peeved.... the way your corys are spawning though im sure you will have some more in no time :good:
I'm so sorry :sad: I hope the others do ok, please dont blame yourself, you are a great Cory mum.

As Mattlee says, you'll soon have lots more babies from those gorgeous parents.
Thanks all

I hope the rest make it and i have some more due to hatch :nod:
but still sad i lost some.
Hi Harlequins,

I'm sorry to hear about your lost fry. All I can suggest is that you be certain to keep the water changed and especially watch the bottom. If you have sand, give it a stir before changing the water, if it's a bare bottom tank, rub it with your fingers to remove the film that tends to form.

I hope the rest of them stay healthy and grow up big and strong.
That film on the bottom of the tank is an important point, and applies to the young fry of many species. I fold up a paper towel, hold it with a potato chip bag clip & wipe the bottom.
Thanks all

The tank has a thin layer of sand,which i stir up before i do a w/c,i think i fed them too much,got a bit ambitious with 22 of them,hence this polluted the water.

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