total newbie in at the deep end!

Inchworm said:
Oh, one more thing --- If your housemate comes back looking for the fish -- DON'T GIVE THEM TO HER!!! :lol:
thats gotta be the best bit of advice so far ;-)

but on a slight tangent, why does everyone refer to bettas as the ones kept in tiny cups?
is that really common 'over there'?
cos 'over here' i have only ever seen bettas in normal lfs tanks full of other fish
our stores get them that way in blue medicated water .it appears to the novice customer that these fish are hardy.some stores keep them in the tank with other fish.the sad thing is people continue to keep them in a small vase usually with a plant in the water.ive seen thenm survive years that way.the have laybrinth lungs and can breathe air
Nitrites at zero! :D 2 weeks to establish a cycle - that was quicker than I expected. I wasn't testing often, but a couple of days ago they seemed suspiciously energetic and confident - for example the larger pleco was swimming through mid-water sometimes which it never bothered to do before.
So - 2 common plecos, 1 red dwarf gourami, 2 golden gouramis, 1 blue 3spot gourami, all present and correct SAH!
Nice to finish this thread on a good one, just in time for Crimble too :santa:
Time to think up names now...
Congrats on saving those poor little fishy soals Manoverboard! :)

I dont think that I would have done so well in your situation!

Glad they all pulled through ok! :D

but on a slight tangent, why does everyone refer to bettas as the ones kept in tiny cups?
is that really common 'over there'?
cos 'over here' i have only ever seen bettas in normal lfs tanks full of other fish

Same here andy, never seen any in cups, but this could be why they are less common in the UK, because they need more tank space in order to be able to keep a few bettas? :unsure:
I bought a plec 3 years back for 50p it was no bigger than an inch its nearly 2 foot long now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

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