I Love my fishies
Do you think I could put some torpedo barbs in with my Tiger and Green Tiger Barbs?
6 inches thats cool I have a 200L tank they should be fine They are beautiful fishI read in practical fishkeeping mag yesterday that Tiger barbs will not bother other fish if you have enough of them, say, six, maybe. They also say that if you have a scowndral amonst them, just add another. This should calm them. My torpedo's are damn fast. I doubt a tiger would have a chance to get its teeth around.Added in edit... Torpedo's get to about six inches. So obviously the tank size wll matter. Also, They are a shoaling fish. I read that they should be kept in a minimum group of four.I have two, they are fine. But when I get the chance I'll get another four. They are beautiful and increadably peacful.