Torn - Need Help


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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So I love doing Pico Planted tanks, And currently have 6 empty 1-1.5G PIco Glass Tanks.
I am Currently Torn between doing A FW planted or SW Pico.
I have everything I need to do the FW Planted, and SW Would be Cheap to do Scrounging bits and Peices.

For the FW:
Ground Cover of HC or Some Mosses or Moss Balls.
Bogwood planted with Anubias Nana Petite
Floating would be Azolla
Also Pennywort and Creeping Jenny.
With Heterandria Formosa as the Fish.

For SW:

Crushed Coral Substrate.
And A Few peices of Rubble and some easy Frags.
And A Snail and Hermit crab or Sexy Shrimp.

Filtration and Lighting for both would be Azoo Mignon and Firelite Clip on 9W Lights. NO Heating as the 7W Hydor heater was too hot for plants when tried out before at work.

I am Only allowed to setup tanks in the computer room on the windowsill or on the Desk next to the computer(currently Short Body Fighters).

Never Mind, Found a Lovely Peice of Bogwood I had forgotten about, so FW TAnk Started for the GOld Formosa.

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