Torch Coral Issue


Aug 24, 2006
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My torch coral is acting weird. On of it's head is all shrivelled while the other are blooming like crazy. I feed it yesterday and it seems to be doing a little better now but not 100%. I went a little longer than usual for my water change, but that's done. Any ideas, ever seen this behavior before?

Mine has "bad days" every now and again. Usually when it's expelling excess zooxanthellae. If the shriveling does not last more than a day or two, and it does not form a white or brown film over it, you're fine.
There is a clear film on the base but nothing on the head. It's been about 4~5 days
There is a clear film on the base but nothing on the head. It's been about 4~5 days

Ouch, thats pretty prolonged. I'd start looking for water quality problems then... Calcium? Alkalinity? pH? Nitrate? Phosphate? Temp? Salinity (and when's the last time you verified your measuring device?)? Lighting? Flowrate?

Torch corals enjoy some pretty moderate flowrate, so make sure its not in a "deadspot" in the aquarium. Also are there any neighboring corals, and if so what are they?
It's sitting under the powerhead and moved in all directions all the time. So it's not in a dead spot. There are no other coral next to it besides the small Richorda I have, but that's at least a foot away up high. I will check my water quality a little later on tonight.

This whole work thing is over rated I have to tell ya. I finally checked my water and everything is somewhat good. Amonia is 0, nitrate is 0 and nitrite is 0, but the PH was at 8.0. I added some ph buffer in there and I hope it brings it back to 8.3. I have to go to Petsmart and get more frozen food. :)

I have heard that PH changes during the day....anyone with information on that? Could the water temp variation had anything to do with my problem? When it's hot it climbs all the way to 84, but never goes lower than 78 on cool days.

Oh yeah, pH can totally fluctuate during the day. Plants photosynthesize during the day and take up CO2. CO2 is acidic in water, so removing it through out the day lowers the pH. Then after lights go off plants stop taking up CO2 and fix what they've gathered in their tissues. Since they stop making CO2 but your fish/corals/inverts keep making it, the pH will rise overnight to be highest just a little bit after lights on.
I think I might be under feeding it. How often do you feed yours, what do you feed it and how much do you feed it?
Now my Torch coral has 3 heads, but is it just one animal or is each head is one animal?
Now my Torch coral has 3 heads, but is it just one animal or is each head is one animal?

Each head is its own animal. When I puchased my torch coral, it had multiple heads and I had the LFS seperate the heads for various placement. All heads are doing good.

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