thanks for the link i have a very similar book on it and sheets that details the hobbyist method,and i wish i could get a quality betta with the same female where i knew the lines,genes and where they originated but i cannot find one so i'm going to have to judge it on looks,and even then it's hard i cannot find a appropriate male mentioned above that is being sold,with a matching female,is there a better site than finz and tails ? as i does not offer much information about the better in particular and sells very few matching female.the only two i found that would be okay is these what do you think ?
Those are just stock pictures, not the actual fish you will get, so no, they are not suitable. If you are going to start a line from these fish you need to see their finnage, colouring and scales properly so you can judge whether they are good enough to start breeding from.
I'd contact a decent breeder directly and talk to them, they will know the lines of their fish and hopefully may be able to mentor you a little.
I'm not sure breeding white opaques is really what you should start off with, I'd reccommend something a bit more simple. You need to thoroughly research each colour first and choose the easiest one to do well in, really, for your first breeding. Read this about opaques: http

Just a note, whilst books are lovely, in fish-care most are outdated, and they all portray the opinion of just one person. The best way to find out about modern practices is to join forums, which you obviously have done here, but I'd also go and join a specific betta forum that has a strong breeding focus, as you'll get much better betta advice. It would also be a great way to meet breeders and obtain decent fish.