Top Swimming Fish

golden wonderes (some kind of kilifish i cant rember how to spell the proper name lol)
but mine love the top never leave it lol

I have the Golden wonder panchax in my comunity tank. They were quite pale in the shop but teir colors and finnage is beautiful. They can be aggressive rarely, but it tends to be with each other. If its with another fish its just to chase them away at feeding time. They dont seem to be persistant bullies at all.

They are preadtory in nature and almost guarantee no livebearer population explosions :rolleyes:

Am am seriously considering breeding these to keep them in my tank. They are not annual killies but I think can only be expected to live a few years. I have had mine for 18 months and the males are starting to look a little old. The only thing that would deter me from getting them again is maybe getting this little fella.

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