Top Swimming Fish


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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What would you recommend as a top swimming fish?

I have a 42 gallon tall that is stocked with:
2 Veil Angels
2 German Blue Rams
2 Otos
1 Peacock Eel
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Porthole Catfish
1 Rubberlip Pleco

I am looking for a fish that swims around the very top of the tank and likes to be on its own. Another factor is it has to get along with the fish noted above.
moonlight or gold gourami.They are both fantastic fish!
Guppies, mine are pretty much always at the top of the tank, except when they're playing in the filter current, but that's still near the top. 5 males is a good number to have, it spreads the aggression. They're also really colourful and very active, just make sure you don't get a feamle or you'll be up to your eyeballs in fry! And yes, I did read that you wanted one that like to be on it's own, but the only fish I know of that stay at the top pretty much all the time are guppies.
Any more info about the tank? Specifically pH?

I would go for some silver hatchet fish, or a bigger shoal of marbled hatchet fish :good: .
african butterfly fish and they r strictly top ive never ever seen one leave the top of the tank :good:
Yep, but theres a slight chance they would eat the ottos.
Ottos occasionally go up to the top, and butterfly fish will go down lower if they see food.
You could only have one butterfly fish too.
golden wonderes (some kind of kilifish i cant rember how to spell the proper name lol)
but mine love the top never leave it lol
I bought a couple silver hatchet fish today. However, my Gourami hates them and is trying to kill all of them!!! I don't know what to do now. :(
Guppies, mine are pretty much always at the top of the tank, except when they're playing in the filter current, but that's still near the top. 5 males is a good number to have, it spreads the aggression. They're also really colourful and very active, just make sure you don't get a feamle or you'll be up to your eyeballs in fry! And yes, I did read that you wanted one that like to be on it's own, but the only fish I know of that stay at the top pretty much all the time are guppies.

Maybe not guppies with the angelfish? :unsure:
I bought a couple silver hatchet fish today. However, my Gourami hates them and is trying to kill all of them!!! I don't know what to do now. :(
Why just a couple? :huh: That would be like buying just a couple of neon tetras, hatchet fish are sociable shoaling fish.

What you should do is go back to the store and buy 4 more, bring it up to a decent shoal. Any aggression from your gourami will be spread out among them that way, and I wouldn't worry too much about the aggression anyway, my dwarf gourami used to chase my marbled hatchets but it wore off. Now she chases the red eye tetras :rolleyes: . Either way don't worry about the aggression too much, the hatchets will get larger than the gourami, and they are more robust fish.
But get a few more hatchets :good: .
I have decided to take my Dwarf Gourami back to the pet store. It killed the other Dwarf Gourami that I had in the tank and is making the Hatchet Fish stay at the bottom of the tank.
Yep, but theres a slight chance they would eat the ottos.
Ottos occasionally go up to the top, and butterfly fish will go down lower if they see food.
You could only have one butterfly fish too.
oh missed the ottos sorry :lol:
Three-fingers thanks again for the Hatchetfish recommendation. I am loving the new addition to my tank. Also, I think my Angels are happy the crazy Gourami is gone.
Guppies, mine are pretty much always at the top of the tank, except when they're playing in the filter current, but that's still near the top. 5 males is a good number to have, it spreads the aggression. They're also really colourful and very active, just make sure you don't get a feamle or you'll be up to your eyeballs in fry! And yes, I did read that you wanted one that like to be on it's own, but the only fish I know of that stay at the top pretty much all the time are guppies.

Maybe not guppies with the angelfish? :unsure:
I have Guppies and an Angel together, there are no problems

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