Top 3 Biggest Fish YOU Own

Hehe, since my biggest tank is a 10 gallon, I don't have vurry big fishies! -_- Anyways, they think they're big... they wanted me to name them. :flex: :rolleyes:

1. Captain Jack Sparrow, my Oldest Betta - 3"
2. Humperdink, my Fatty Dwarf Gourami - 2 3/4"
3. Probably another of my 2" or so Bettas

:*) It's real tempting to name my "Canadian" fish as the biggest... in that case, the Frontosa, Gargy wins! Weee! He's a good what, 10"? More? :p
My bala sharks and angel fish (dead tomorrow, I am quite sure)
1. 11' pleco

2. 5' pearl gourami (he might be a little larger but the tanks not near me right now to double check)

3. 4' opaline gourami

I guess I will have to say Julies frontosa as well..... :rolleyes: :p

Gargamell : approx 10"
Frankenstein : approx 8"
...and then a tie between around 5 other fronts and Sammy the blue at around 6-7".

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