N NDIrish7 Fish Fanatic Joined May 2, 2004 Messages 81 Reaction score 0 Location Brooklyn May 9, 2004 #1 name ur biggest fish, top 3
D drobbins27 Fish Herder Joined Mar 13, 2004 Messages 1,310 Reaction score 0 Location Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck May 9, 2004 #2 1. Common Plec 2. Oscar 3. Silver Dollar
A Arashi I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal! Joined Apr 27, 2004 Messages 1,772 Reaction score 0 Location Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows May 9, 2004 #3 1. Sailfin Plec 2. Male Betta 3. Male Platy Heehee! I have small big fish.
F fishy frenzy Fish Crazy Joined Feb 6, 2004 Messages 295 Reaction score 0 Location near reading, england May 9, 2004 #4 1. golden plec 2. pictus catfish 3. clown loach
OP OP N NDIrish7 Fish Fanatic Joined May 2, 2004 Messages 81 Reaction score 0 Location Brooklyn May 9, 2004 #5 got any pics of the clown loach? what tank sz tank u got it in and how many?
R RYO Fish Addict Joined Sep 20, 2003 Messages 897 Reaction score 0 Location N WALES May 9, 2004 #6 flying fox ,keep small dudes too
F fishy frenzy Fish Crazy Joined Feb 6, 2004 Messages 295 Reaction score 0 Location near reading, england May 9, 2004 #7 i`ve got three clown loaches in my 39 gallon tank and the biggest is about 2 inches
D daydreams_uk Fish Fanatic Joined Mar 23, 2004 Messages 70 Reaction score 0 Location Manchester UK May 9, 2004 #8 1. siamese fighter 2. clown loach 3.gold/white molly
N Nidge Fish Herder Joined Feb 29, 2004 Messages 1,013 Reaction score 0 Location Dublin, Ireland May 9, 2004 #9 1. Common Pleco ( about 8-9") 2. Bala shark (about 5") 3. Clown loach (about 4")
L ladynaoko Fishaholic Joined Mar 7, 2004 Messages 465 Reaction score 0 Location Cardiff, Wales May 9, 2004 #10 1. my plec 2. betta 3. kulii loach (that guy sure is long..)
CFC Leader of the Fishes Joined Feb 8, 2003 Messages 11,553 Reaction score 4 Location London May 9, 2004 #11 18" ornate bichir 15" jardini arowana 14" shovelnose catfish
N Nidge Fish Herder Joined Feb 29, 2004 Messages 1,013 Reaction score 0 Location Dublin, Ireland May 9, 2004 #12 CFC leaves us all for dead with his monsters
N noelberg Fishaholic Joined Feb 17, 2004 Messages 680 Reaction score 0 Location Chambersburg, PA (USA) May 9, 2004 #13 i think we were all waiting for CFC to post ... I'm with the small fish group - guess the golden wonder is the biggest, but the male betta is longest when you count finnage.
i think we were all waiting for CFC to post ... I'm with the small fish group - guess the golden wonder is the biggest, but the male betta is longest when you count finnage.
C Cheese Specialist Newbie Joined Dec 10, 2003 Messages 5,423 Reaction score 0 Location Newcastle, England May 9, 2004 #14 Black angel - 6" accross, 8" up Weather Loach - 6" Farlowella - 6" Edit: Forgot about my Sticky. psgill00 reminded me He's bigger than the L052.
Black angel - 6" accross, 8" up Weather Loach - 6" Farlowella - 6" Edit: Forgot about my Sticky. psgill00 reminded me He's bigger than the L052.
Gill Store Manager Coalville Aquatics Joined Feb 7, 2004 Messages 6,117 Reaction score 2 Location Derby May 9, 2004 #15 1. 7" Farrowella 2. 5" Chinese Gold Algae Eater *2 3. 4" Gold Gourami/ African Butterfly Fish