Took A Hacksaw To The Skulls :)


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
OK still not got background sorted yet, and the petsathome near me has no filter wool, so still misty, but, I do now have a venturi :)


Thanks guys took your advice and moved heater, and raised powerhead :)


I 'might' get some large lieces of wood painted to go behind the tank, rather than paint the glass?... will take a look and see. ... (so wood would be against wall and not tank)

Also added these little chaps today :)

(C. triliniatus) and 3 tiny baby white clouds...

No more fish til after christmas! ;p


Hi all :) well, the novelty of the 4 skulls was wearing, plus they were obstructing a little too much water flow.

So I fished everything out (MAN do my fish hate me, again!) ;p

Cut three of the skulls at angles (surprisingly easy resing to cut, but hell of a lot of dust, had to wash them well!)

Picked up a few fake stone ornaments formt he petsathome 3 for 2 deal, and voila!

I also moved the light to a more central position etc.

I'm still not happy with the powerhead, its not 'lifting' sand debris as I would like...

But much happier now! and think its more swimming room for the whiteclouds, and lower down hidey holes for the catfish :)

let me know what you think :)

Below is a former pic:

Me personally, I like the after much it a natural kinda look.
Definitely looks better. And you'll be getting my vote for "best thread title of the month".
Sort a background you lazy git and move than heater upright next to the intake tube, its a small tank with lots of circulation, you dont have to position it for optimal effect! :D gogogo!
Sort a background you lazy git and move than heater upright next to the intake tube, its a small tank with lots of circulation, you dont have to position it for optimal effect! :D gogogo!

:D Ah force of habit with heater placement! ;p he he, I'll pop it in the corner ;p

I'm torn between back grounds:

Black (I like black, usually have black), white/blue/grey - keep the light and bright tank theme...

What do you guys reckon?
Sort a background you lazy git and move than heater upright next to the intake tube, its a small tank with lots of circulation, you dont have to position it for optimal effect! :D gogogo!

:D Ah force of habit with heater placement! ;p he he, I'll pop it in the corner ;p

I'm torn between back grounds:

Black (I like black, usually have black), white/blue/grey - keep the light and bright tank theme...

What do you guys reckon?

Gloss black paint :D

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