I have a 10 gallon tank. Right now I have 3 guppies, 2 skirt tetras and about 5 neon tetras. Is this enough? Can I add more? If so, any suggestions on what to add?
Are all the guppies male? If so your okay, but the skirt tetras need to be in groups of 5 but they also get too big for a 10g tank unfortunately. How about swapping the skirt tetras for 5 black neon tetras?
I dont get it. I was told skirt tetras were friendly and would get along with any of my fish. In one day they killed at least one neon and have cornered the rest. Also, they have cornered 3 male guppys.
Skirt tetras can be friendly but they need to be in good sized groups and your tank isnt big enough to handle a group of them I would separate them now and take them back to swap for the black neons i mentioned
Normally in a good sized shoal the agression is directed within the group. Once the fish are out on their own, so to say, that agression is directed towards the other inhabitants of the tank.
So, get rid of your black skirt tetras and add some cories for the bottom section of the tank.