too many bubbles?


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
my water looked like it wuz gettin' a little filmy up top and i looked and my skimmer didn't seem like it wuz workin' right so I turned it up full blast. Since I'm getting my reeftopia shipment tomorrow i wanna make sure the water is perfect for the featherduster and starfish. I wuz plannin' on leaving the skimmer on full-blast all night but there is a lot of bubbles being spit into the tank. Will they harm my colt, maze brain, or sarcophyton corals?
i had to go away for a few days. well needless to say I had a leak. my sump barely had enough water so my return was spitting bubbles and water back into the tank. more bubbles than an airstone could create. this happened for a day and half (my best guess since i was gone) I have some of the same corals as you and I did not see or have any ill effects from the bubbles. with it being over night it should not be a problem
If you think about the environment of a reef, with waves crashing into the rocks, there are naturally likely to be quite a few bubbles anyway. I wouldn't worry about it.
Although it will cause no damage, the bubbles entering the tank are doing the same job as he skimmer... thus, these strray bubbles are collecting toxins and nutrients and bringing them to the surface.. unfortunately onlike a skimmer these bubbles cant be collected in a cup so the nutrients wont go away, they will just form more nutrients at the surface. You are better off reducing the flow of the skimmer and increasing the flow of the tank near the surface with a powerhead.

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